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Take back your financial power

What to do to keep your standard of living in a pandemic? By April 2020, that was my big question.

For so many, the COVID pandemic created:
New fears about their health safety.
New fears about employment safety.
New fears about their children’s future.
New fears about how to keep open their business.
New fears about if investing makes sense.

So it is easy to see why I like so many felt that in 2020 you are in this fog.
I got into this panic mode with homeschooling two kids and one with special needs and working from home and really start to think that there can’t be any growth in this COVID time. I then decided it was time to reach out to Financial Mentors. These are the senior people who had gone through at least three other global crisis in their investing career and came out better on the other side. So now, I work with my clients to help them to benefit from the Financial Mentor lessons.

Is your goal for 2021 to take back your financial power?

You can have more cash from your paycheque
You can grow your small business
You can become a better investor

And yet, to get back your power you have to release – MENTAL BLOCKS. Here are a few:
Investing and money management sounds cool, but many don’t understand how it would work for them.
Or they do understand that invsting makes a difference in financial breathing room, but feel like they have to be technical in money managment.
Then there is another set that says, yes, ready to invest, ready to read and ask questions….yet, I don’t have the money because I am living paycheque to paycheque.

Let me say something that might be a bit hurtful.

Living paycheque to paycheque is not proof of a lack of income, but a lack of skills needed to build yourself up.

1 – Real estate block: I cannot become a real estate investor and earn monthly cash from my investments.
House prices are too expensive.Here are
I don’t have the deposit saved.
I don’t have a good credit report.
Real Estate truth
There are at least 15 different ways to make money in real estate.
Buying a property and renting it out is just one.
Examples for US$100 to US$1,000 investment:
Buy real estate stocks that pay dividends.
Buy real estate stocks that are expected to increase in value.
Earn by offering real estate services
Invest in mortgages or debt
2 – Nothing is happening in the local investment markets.
Because I can’t double my money quickly with new investment options or current investment options.
Stock investing is for rich people and I don’t have extra money
I don’t know what to do.
I don’t know how to open an account.
2 – Investing
You can profit from the 10% solution where you immediately take 10% of the top of your salary and invest.
You can save 20% of your annual earnings as ATTITUDE MONEY. That is, with savings you can have the attitude of a positive, can do person.
You can access help from the Development Bank or Small Business Association as a small business to pay for experts to grow your business.
You can use the Money Movement Strategy to shift your investment money between different assets to earn above-average interest rates. There are 12 financial power tools that can build your million dollar portfolio if you spend 30 minutes per month on each power tool.

The Financial Mentor Focus can support you on your pathway to taking back your financial power. Here is the simple way forward.
Spend 30 minutes per month to maximize the value of your 12 Financial Power tools.
Learn more at

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