10 Key Tactics For Fast paydown of debt & increase in savings

The journey from having a baby with special needs to having a preteen with special needs and traveling through the Family Court system meant that I had to get organized…

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Read more about the article What happens financially when you get clear on your motivation?
Being fired and having a child with medical challenges meant that I was totally motivated to lift myself up and do better.

What happens financially when you get clear on your motivation?

Stressed? Want to upskill and make a big change in your life, yet can't figure out how? Can you relate? Well allow me to let you in on a little secret: No one else REALLY knows what they’re doing either.

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Read more about the article Become a Successful Investor by Doing This One Thing
Know your why to become a successful investor.

Become a Successful Investor by Doing This One Thing

What is your 'Why? Every one of us has something that fuels us! My personal “Why” is building a lifestyle that can sustain my children, one with special needs. When your baby is born with a heart condition, a small set of lungs, and a host of other medical conditions that will last his entire life, you have to change.

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Low-interest rates and growth. Can they go together?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7koU-8TA3Q #RobertTaylor shares real estate strategies to improve cash yield Bond and money market investors are in a low-interest rate environment which will impact (a) how much money they should…

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