Money Management


Tune into our podcast On this episode of #FinanciallyFocusedMONEYTALK, we discuss how  interesting trends such as social selling and financial technology that can help you create wealth.  Host #DenniseWilliams…


Hot New ‘Retirement’ Plan: Starting a Business

Tune into our podcast For many persons, retirement in the traditional sense of sitting at home and not working is a thing of the past.  In fact, many persons…

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How can banks make loans easier for the small business sector?

Why are banks loans so hard to come by for the small business sector?  And why has the small business sector not done better financial management to make getting loans easy? The Private Sector Organization of Jamaica (PSOJ) has heard the cries of the small business sector and has pulled together a team of financiers from the credit unions, commercial banking, microcredit lending, and development banking sector.  

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Jason Morris says SME sector leaving millions in #financing on the table

Small business financing is an opportunity that many small businesses are missing Wealth creation is a funny thing.  It is a slow steady process that requires having the right mind set. And for many small businesses who are set on doing things themselves without accountability and transparency, banker Jason Morris says they are leaving millions on the table.  

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8 common financial problems

        Source: Source of Financial Problem Reason Why Difficulties Often Occur Solution Unemployment or lower than usual income Using credit for living expenses on reduced income Re-evaluate your…

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Elizabeth Terry speaks with FINANCIALLY FOCUSED on goal setting

What are your financial goals? Are you working towards them strategically or running from fears? Elizabeth Terry, NLP coach speaks to how you can use the words you speak to powerfully manifest your life goals. Watch the video for FREE.

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