The Ultimate Income Guide for Professional Women Starting Over
Professional women are expected to do everything and be everything. I juggled two children. One with special needs. I had to be the perfect mother. I had to be the…
Professional women are expected to do everything and be everything. I juggled two children. One with special needs. I had to be the perfect mother. I had to be the…
When you are earning a salary it may feel like it's not enough. That was certainly the case for me in my corporate career. At the top of my…
The journey from having a baby with special needs to having a preteen with special needs and traveling through the Family Court system meant that I had to get organized…
Join our FREE 21 day challenge to increase your savings and decrease your debt. Will you jump or be pushed? You know when it is time to pack up…
We explore how to increase your savings and decrease your debt in this FREE 21-day challenge! With being fired from four jobs in four years, it felt like…
Stressed? Want to upskill and make a big change in your life, yet can't figure out how? Can you relate? Well allow me to let you in on a little secret: No one else REALLY knows what they’re doing either.
What is your 'Why? Every one of us has something that fuels us! My personal “Why” is building a lifestyle that can sustain my children, one with special needs. When your baby is born with a heart condition, a small set of lungs, and a host of other medical conditions that will last his entire life, you have to change. #RobertTaylor shares real estate strategies to improve cash yield Bond and money market investors are in a low-interest rate environment which will impact (a) how much money they should… #ElizabethTerry shares on #FinanciallyFocused how to overcome blocks. Want to know more about how I can help you!!! Check out the Financially Focused you tube channel. Our free channel…