10 Key Tactics For Fast paydown of debt & increase in savings

The journey from having a baby with special needs to having a preteen with special needs and traveling through the Family Court system meant that I had to get organized…

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The right circle of friends = Dramatic reduction in debt

One missing ingredient in many person's financial plans is ensuring that they are with the right people to support their financial growth.  And depending on where you are, financial growth could be debt reduction or savings improvement.

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Read more about the article The Best Tools for Clearing your personal debt
Debt healing credit Restoration

The Best Tools for Clearing your personal debt

When it comes to clearing off bad debt, do not wait for the bailiff to come. The critical thing is to do something. It may seem like your debt problem is the heaviest in the world, however, no debt situation is permanent. You may wonder what is it that the team at DEBT HEALING BY FINANCIALLY FOCUSED actually do? What we do is take a stand for our clients. If you are in a rough situation with your debt, we first assess the type of debt you have.

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