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What do you think you are worth?  And how can you improve your value on the marketplace and to yourself?  On this episode of #FinanciallyFocusedMONEYTALK, the topic is about building your human capital to build wealth.  By the way, are you being paid to shop online?  Sign up now to earn cash back!

Host #DenniseWilliams and guests #DuaneLueFung, #ElizabethTerry, #DinoHinds and #DrCarolynHayle share their thoughts on the topic.

Elizabeth Terry, NLP, Time Line Therapy®, Hypnosis Trainer and Master Coach noted that:

Keeping a positive mind-set in today’s challenging business environment can be difficult, but it is, in my view the KEY to attracting your wealth creation opportunities!

EVERYTHING we see around us began with a thought, a deep desire and then, finally the actions, behaviours and a sequence of strategies we use to get us there. Our lives, including our business lives and experiences are created in that order. As many before me have said, ‘everything begins in mind’.

On previous shows I have mentioned strategies like the need for visioning and developing a wealth goal. Today I want to talk about one process you can use to help you regain your power over your mind and quickly shift your mind-set from negative to positive so that you can focus on what you want!

We all have conversations that go on in our head – we are not crazy, everyone does! What most of us also do NOT realize is that we do have the power to actually CONTROL that inner voice or critic! It is not, as we say here in Jamaica ‘ah so mi stay’ implying that there is nothing I can do about it!!! If we remember that our thoughts create our feelings and our feelings dictate our behaviours, then we want to practice being in control of our thoughts so that we can attract those wealth creation opportunities! Here are some steps you can practice:

  1. Become aware of the monologue in your head and what it is saying. Often we are not aware of actually what the voice in our head is saying. Sometimes we just feel ‘off our game’ and don’t realize that the mood started with a thought! Listen attentively!
  2. Now that we are tuned into what is going on, simply say ‘STOP’ and turn the

voice OFF, just as you would mute the volume on your phone or computer. Imagine yourself actually doing this! You can also try changing the tone of the voice from a harsh critic for example (maybe sounding like a parent or teacher you heard in the past), to a humorous voice – like maybe that of a funny cartoon character, for example, the Chipmunks. I know this sounds crazy, but it definitely works – TRY IT!

  1. Next, think of a situation in the past when you actually experienced a positive outcome (in relation to what was being said). While you remember and go back to a time when you had this experience, really feel the feelings of actually being, doing or having what you wanted. Use all of your senses – sight, sound, feelings, taste and smell, as appropriate. As you are deeply experiencing the positive imagery in your mind, take hold of your earlobe (either one) and keep holding it while the feelings are strong and positive. Let go of your earlobe before these feelings fade. In NLP this is called Anchoring – squeeze your earlobe whenever you want to shift yourself into a more positive mindset.

he great thing is that the more you use your anchor, the stronger the neurological connections between your earlobe and your positive feelings become, and the more easily you can regain your positive wealth creation mindset!

Do you know your wealth profile?  The entreprenuer profile will guide you to understanding the best way for you to make money.  Visit this link today!